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Mittwoch, 7. November 2012

We will rise!!Solidarity With the protests of refugees here and everywhere!

Solidarity with the protests of refugees here and everywhere! Attack racist conditions! Day of action: Saturday, November 10 Demonstration 12.00 at Omofuma monument “We are fighting for the realization of a world based on justice and freedom.” (the protesting refugees in Berlin) The suicide of Mohammad Rahsepar in a German asylum camp at the beginning of the year was followed by street protests in several German cities, which lasted for months. Since then, refugees are protesting against inhuman treatment by the German authorities. In September, the protesters marched to Berlin in a 600 km-long demonstration, where they are calling attention to their circumstances through a vigil lasting several weeks and a hunger strike on the Pariser Platz. State and police reacted with massive repression. Now some first talks between the protesters and representatives of the government have taken place. ( Protests for the rights of asylum seekers are currently also taking place in other countries, e.g. Finland and Poland. We declare our solidarity with these struggles! And what is happening in Austria? Aslylum seekers, refugees and illegal immigrants […] are living in precarious circumstances in Austria! For example, many wait for months for the results of their asylum proceedings. They are not allowed to work. Access to German courses is made difficult. Through the accommodation in asylum homes, they are denied freedom and access to certain resources. Furthermore, they are entirely at the mercy of the authorities. Austria deports people to regions where they face war and persecution. These are only some of the difficulties that asylum seekers, refugees and illegal immigrants in Austria have to struggle with. But things are happening! In October, Somalian refugees demonstrated in front of the parliament for three days. They are demanding: “Put an end to Dublin-II-deportations! For the Right to an asylum proceeding in Austria! Put an end to the agonizing waiting periods – for faster processing of requests for asylum! Approve refugee status, abolish uncertainty, disenfranchisement and fear Right to family reunion Unrestricted access to job market for refugees seeking asylum!” Let us support these protests in Austria and all over the world! Bring protest signs! Plan decentral actions! “Take to the street, because that is the place where oppressed bodies unite to acquire freedom and justice. Politics belongs to the people and not to politicians.” (The protesting refugees in Berlin) No humans are illegal! 

 در این روز در همه جای دنیا قرار است تظاهراتی برای همبستگی با اعتصاب پناهندگان انجام شود ولی من وقتی گزارش دوستان را میخوانم که چه نوع افرادی زیر پوشش چپ و مترقی در مراسم ها شرکت کرده و آن را بهم میزنند چرا که هنوز که هنوز همانجایی هستند که قبلا بودند. خانم ها و آقایان اگر هنوز با این و یا آن شخص بدلیل اینکه نیازهای دیگری از شما دارد، مشکل دارید، لطفا در خانه هایتان بمانید و جو دوستانه میان انسانها را با عقاید ارتجاعی تان خراب نکنید. در این روز قرار است برای یک زندگی با ارزش انسانی و بدور از استثمار و تبعیض تظاهرات شود و نه برای کسانی که خود با عقاید و رفتارشان میخواهند دست بر دهان دیگری بگذارندو حتی از خشونت فیزیکی استفاده میکنند تا به منظورشان برسند. برای اطلاعات بیشتر اینجا کلیک کنید.

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